Watch Messages

House Rules

  • Jason Lowe

    During this series, we will explore God’s Sign-plan for how we are supposed to use the freedom that He has given us to set our “House Rules” in our homes.

The Third Way

  • Jason Lowe

    In this series, we will dive into how Jesus describes the best way to live a life that is pleasing to God - not culture, not self, but “The Third Way”.

Heaven to Earth

  • Jason Lowe

    In this series, we will journey into the heart of the Christmas story to uncover why the Son of God became Emmanuel-God with us- and what it means for us today that He came from "Heaven To Earth".

Eyes & Ears

  • Jason Lowe

If every good thing is from Him, then how many good things happen every day to allow us to function, to enjoy parts of our lives, and to provide for ourselves?

Two Masters

  • Jason Lowe

During this series we will examine this topic that is sometimes uncomfortable for us in a church context, but was important to Jesus and has a huge impact on our life and eternity. It turns out we have to choose between Two Masters.


  • Jason Lowe

In this series, we will look at our playbook for life’s battles allowing the scriptures to inform us of what to do when we get knocked down.

Conversation Skills

  • Jason Lowe

In this series, we will look at teamwork, arguing, witnessing, and prayer related to how we can speak with others in a way that brings live to them and to ourselves.

At the Table

  • Jason Lowe

    During this series we will look at the scriptures that tell us about Jesus’ meals with people at “The Table.”

Hebrews: A Life Built On Christ

  • Jason Lowe

Building our lives on Christ is a process. The first century Jewish followers of Jesus had to learn to turn from culture derived from the Old Testament Law and discover what it meant to live under grace. We too, must turn away from a culture not founded on Christ and then build a life that is not characterized by spiritual laziness or legalism. During this series, we will explore Hebrews and attempt to see how to build our life on Christ.

Baptism 2024

  • Jason Lowe

We are excited to celebrate with those who have decided to follow the Lord in baptism! Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, although technically, He did not need to be baptized. Jesus did this as an example to us an d in support of the message the John was preaching. Today we celebrate and seek to hear the message of John.

The Gardener

  • Jason Lowe

Following the resurrection, Mary sees Jesus at the tomb and mistakes Him fr the gardener. Is this is a random fact that is mentioned, or is this supposed to connect us to the imagery of Creation in the Garden of Eden? In this series, we will explore how Jesus’ redemption of everything has brought sacredness to our daily lives.

Easter Sunday 2024

  • Jason Lowe

Jesus felt what we feel, but His Spirit always prevailed. Today, as we celebrate, may God speak strength, peace, and wisdom to our spirit so that we can be more like our Savior, Jesus!

Love Goals

  • Jason Lowe

“A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” In this series, we will seek clarity on what it means to love like Jesus and have clear Love Goals.


  • Jason Lowe

How are you “defined?” We can slip into being defined by our family of origin, our past mistakes, or an identity thrust upon us by others or the enemy.


  • Jason Lowe

Before we dive into another new year filled with new insights and actions that we “resolve” to start, maybe we need to rewind, pause, and do some maintenance before we slam down the throttle and resume our pursuit.

Blessings: To you & Through you

  • Reed Hobdy

It’s a New Year to worship Jesus!

Message in a Body

  • Jason Lowe

During this series, we will explore the what and why of the “Message In A Body” sent from our Creator.

Gratitude Training

  • Jason Lowe

God made us to see the positive and rehearse practices and cultivation. We can’t just hit the “on” button on gratitude, but there are mental muscles that need to be exercised. In this series, we will learn the basics of “Gratitude Training.”

Take Hold of Eternal Life

  • Jason Lowe

As Christians, we are called to a different perspective on this life, an eternal rather than temporal view of things. In this series, we will explore what it means to take hold of this perspective…to “take hold of eternal life”.



  • Jason Lowe

During this series, we will look at some pivotal moments and discuss what it means to be ready to allow those moment to facilitate our growth.



  • Jason Lowe

During this four-part series, we will examine what Jesus says to these 7 churches and how we can be guided and encouraged.


The Baton of Service

  • Jason Lowe

Inconvenience yourself for something greater than yourself.



  • Jason Lowe

In this series, we will look at some bad decisions made in the scriptures and seek guidance on how to avoid similar mistakes.


Firm Foundation

  • Jason Lowe

In this series we explore how the accounts and letters of the New Testament establish “A Firm Foundation.”


Same God

  • Jason Lowe

In this series, we will share how to approach the Old Testament as New Testament followers, considering He is the “Same God.“



  • Jason Lowe

    What happens when heaven and earth, God and humanity “Collide”?



  • Jason Lowe

At the core of this letter, is a powerful description of Jesus, His nature, and His accomplishment (2:6-11). As we prepare to celebrate the Resurrection, we are reminded in this series what an amazing God we serve!


For Better or Worse

  • Jason Lowe

So how do we build a relationship that can survive the ups and downs?


Yes & No

  • Jason Lowe

Our amazing God gave us agency! Our decisions matterand have consequences, and we are free to use that power for good and evil. Those decisions can be summarized by the words "yes" and "no."



  • Reed Hobdy

Let’s talk about how we can better serve our God and neighbor through the power of our compassion AND conviction!


Journey to Christmas

  • Jason Lowe

Angels, Mary and Joseph, Wisemen, and Shepherds are all set in motion by the purpose of God on their “Journey to Christmas.”


A Thankful People

  • Jason Lowe

It is a hopeful and joyous people that pleases God and has the ability to point people to the light of Christ! May we strive to be “A Thankful People”.


Personal Vision

  • Jason Lowe

What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of person does the Lord want you to be? Are you seeking a “Personal Vision”?



  • Brandon Bennett

We have to be careful that our own ambitions & desires don’t step in front of Jesus.


The Way of the Righteous

  • Sam Peterson

Through us, God wants to demonstrate His mighty power to an unbelieving world.



  • Jason Lowe

How close are you living to the edge?



  • Jason Lowe

When should be mind our own business and when are we obligated to intervene? In this series, we’ll learn how to be a biblically grounded Bystander.


Roll Up Our Excuses

  • John James

Arise, Roll up your mat, and Walk!



  • Jason Lowe

God only sees the good and the potential for greatness that is in you.



  • Aaron Stepp


Modern Romance

  • Jason Lowe

Can a book as old as the Bible help relationships today?


Faith in Action

  • Jason Lowe

We are restored to God by grace through our faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross.



  • Nathan Barnes

When we attempt to squeeze God into our schedule, we seek the God we want, but do not know the God who is.


New Horizons

  • Jason Lowe

It is Graduation season! However, graduation is not the only time that we face new seasons through the course of our lives. And God loves working in new seasons, creating, guiding, and equipping us.


Why Do We Do What We Do?

  • Jason Lowe

“We do things that God commanded us to do in ways that make sense in our era in order to connect with God to worship Him and get what we need to thrive.”


Palm Sunday

  • Jason Lowe

Do you have a vision for your future? Do you know that God has a vision for your future?


Promised Land

  • Jason Lowe

“God works in our lives individually, but he also has the big picture in mind. He works in those two areas simultaneously.”


Image Issues

  • Chris Nichols

“Jesus wants to define you by how He defines you not by how people define you. He says you were fearfully and wonderfully made, God loves you, and you can always go to him.”



  • Jason Lowe

“This series, “Dirt”, will serve as a foundation for a time of getting our hands dirty spiritually…doing a little hard work…digging deeper.”


Life at Your Pace

  • Reed Hobdy

“From the beginning, God has established a balance of diligent work and purposeful rest. God's people are known in part by their ability to lay down their tools and lift up their hands to the Father. If Jesus has changed our lives, he must change our schedules.”


‘Twas The Day After Christmas

Christmas Live Stream Special


Revealed at Christmas

  • Jason Lowe

Jesus told His disciples, “For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not heart it.” (Matthew 13:17)


Thankful: Hearts of Gratitude

  • Jason Lowe

A worshipful recognition of God characterized by Thanksgiving is a key component to finding peace and joy. During this series we will unpack the biblical prescription to be thankful.


Led by the Holy Spirit

  • Jason Lowe

The Holy Spirit works in the world, and in us, to apply the work that Jesus accomplished on the cross.


Past Messages

Click below to access a playlist of all past messages.