Join us on Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 17th | 9:30 & 11:00AM
Come as you are.. even on Easter! Sundays at Faith Community Church are designed to inspire those who call themselves Christians to live daily as followers of Jesus.
Journey to Easter (Kid’s Activity) | Friday, April 8th 6:00 - 8:00pm
This journey will walk families through the events that led Jesus to the resurrection and will feature many sensory-rich experiences. This event is geared toward families with children, ages 3-11.
Palm Sunday Service | Sunday, April 10th 9:30 - 11:00am
Join us on Palm Sunday as our Children’s Ministry helps lead us in worship as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Good Friday Service | Friday, April 15th 7:00pm
As we prepare for the celebration of the resurrection of our Savior, we want to take a moment on Good Friday for a time of solemn reflection. We invite everyone to join us as we participate in communion at this service and recognize His sacrifice.
Easter Sunday Drama | Sunday, April 17th, 9:30 & 11:00am
Join us for the “Journey To The Cross” Easter Drama as we enact the events that lead up to the crucifixion of Jesus and celebrate the victory of His resurrection!